
BCM campus and clinics are open

Baylor College of Medicine and its clinics are open under normal business operations Friday, May 17. Any updates will be posted here. 


Student Achievement Data: Doctor of Nursing Practice Program-Nurse Anesthesia


For an explanation of each metric view the Student Achievement Data.

Doctor of Nursing Practice Program-Nurse Anesthesia
Student Achievement MetricThreshold of Acceptability

3-Year Average

(2018-2020) DNP

Graduation rate90%94.8%*
Time to degree3 yrs.3 yrs.
First-time pass rate of licensure exams90%92.9%
Job placement/advanced training at graduation100%100%

* This graduation rate is calculated with both BSN-DNP and MS-DNP data and includes students who reentered the program after a leave of absence.